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Episode 99

Lights Camera Action – Transform Your Life into a Cinematic Adventure

16th November 2023

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Show notes & links

Episode 99

Lights Camera Action – Transform Your Life into a Cinematic Adventure

16th November 2023

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Show notes & links

In this solo episode, I give you all kinds of ideas on how you can make your life more like a movie – and we’re talking amazing, motivational, inspirational, uplifting movies here!

Based on an email I recently sent to my Intentional Travel Club mailing list, I give you tips and tricks to help you bring the movie magic into your daily life – not just when you’re travelling.

Useful links:

Join my Intentional Travel Club mailing list: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/transformationguide 

How To Create Magical Movie Moments On The Road podcast episode: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/62

Life Should Be More Like A Movie – But How? Podcast episode: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/76 

My Intentional Travel Transformation book and my Write Your Life book: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/books

My Travel Transformation Academy: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/academy



Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com


Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide


Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books


Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal


If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

In this solo episode, I give you all kinds of ideas on how you can make your life more like a movie – and we’re talking amazing, motivational, inspirational, uplifting movies here!

Based on an email I recently sent to my Intentional Travel Club mailing list, I give you tips and tricks to help you bring the movie magic into your daily life – not just when you’re travelling.

Useful links:

Join my Intentional Travel Club mailing list: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/transformationguide 

How To Create Magical Movie Moments On The Road podcast episode: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/62

Life Should Be More Like A Movie – But How? Podcast episode: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/76 

My Intentional Travel Transformation book and my Write Your Life book: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/books

My Travel Transformation Academy: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/academy



Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com


Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide


Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books


Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal


If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

Episode transcript

Welcome to The Travel Transformation Podcast, the podcast where we talk all things travel and all things transformation. I'm your host, Jessica Grace Coleman – although you can call me Jess – and today is going to be a quick solo episode. I say that every time I do a solo episode – but this really is going to be a quick one, I promise – called Lights, Camera, Action: Transform your life into a cinematic adventure.

Now, I know this is The Travel Transformation Podcast, but I want to talk about transformation in all kinds of areas. So it's about travel and it's about transformation, and I do a lot of work on mindset and self-development stuff, and I've recently been getting into a lot of content around creating your life to be more like a movie – a good movie, like an inspirational, motivational, uplifting movie about a character that goes through an epic transformation and they overcome amazing hurdles and they achieve all their dreams, those kind of movies. Not like a horror movie or a slasher movie or a really depressing documentary, nothing like that.

So, I release an email every week to my Intentional Travel club newsletter, and if you want to sign up to that, go to traveltransformationcoach.com. You can click on Free Guide and you can sign up there, the big blue button at the top. I send out an email every week about travel, about transformation, about mindset, about self-development.

And I sent this one out and I thought, why not make this into a podcast episode? Because I know not everyone consumes content in the same way. Some people prefer to read, some people prefer video, some people prefer audio. So I'm basically just going to go through the email I sent out a couple of weeks ago.

So yeah, I called it Lights, Camera, Action: Transforming your life into a cinematic adventure. I'm really passionate about this. I think it's such a fun topic. I'm actually going to do a lot more work on this in the future because it involves, like I said, mindset, self-development, it involves fun exercises, and it involves travel and travel transformation principles. So everything I'm interested in all wrapped up in a really fun framework that I'm working on creating a lot more content about – and I will talk about this more in the future. 

So we all have those moments in our favourite films that give us goosebumps, that move us or inspire us or lift us up. And as I’ve said plenty of times before, I think there are plenty of opportunities to have our own magical movie moments when we travel.

And, if you have no idea what I'm talking about – this is not in the email – I did a whole podcast episode about this quite a while ago now. It is number 62: How to create magical movie moments on the road. If you go to traveltransformationcoach.com/62, you can get all the information on that. 

I also did another podcast episode, which was a little bit later on, and that was episode 76: Life should be more like a movie. But how? So traveltransformationcoach.com/76 to get all the info for that.

Well, what if I told you that you can create these magical movie moments in your own life? In my latest book, Intentional Travel Transformation, I explore how intentional travel can be a catalyst for such moments, but the magic isn't limited to travel. You can bring it into your daily life, too.

And that's another idea I'm going to be talking about in the future – the whole movifying your life thing. So it's using travel and travel transformation principles to create a kind of climactic scene as part of the framework. But then it's also learning how to inject this into your everyday life so you don't have to go on a trip every time you want to have an epic movie moment; you can bring it into your normal routine, which I love. 

So, here are a few ideas on how to make your life more like a movie. And, again, I want it to be a nice, adventurous, epic, exciting, uplifting movie.

Okay, one: embrace spontaneity. Step out of your comfort zone and say yes to unexpected adventures. Try something new or travel to a place you've never been before. And I say this a lot: it doesn't have to be thousands of miles away. It can just be half an hour down the road if it's somewhere you've never been before. 

Two: find beauty in the ordinary. Slow down, observe the details around you, and appreciate the beauty in everyday life. How often do you do that? I know I don't do it that often, so let's make it a priority to try and do that in our everyday life. 

Three: connect with people. Build meaningful connections with others; sometimes the most magical moments come from the people you meet. And I mean, I have seen this time and time again, especially in the co-livings I've stayed with, where we really get deep and get to know people in a very short time, but you feel like you've known them forever. 

Four: set goals and intentions. Create a script for your life by setting clear intentions and working towards your dream. Make every day a scene in your own story. And I wrote a book about this called Write Your Life. It's about writing yourself into a novel rather than a film, but the principles are very similar, so check that out: Write Your Life: the ultimate life hack for achieving your dreams.

Five: capture the moments. Keep a journal, take photos, or start a video diary to document your journey and relive those magical moments. And you can also put these on social media and stuff like that so other people can also share them. 

Six: create a bucket list. Just like a movie script, your life can benefit from having a bucket list. Jot down the places you want to visit, experiences you want to have, and goals you want to achieve. Then take actionable steps toward crossing those items off your list.

And I think this is important. I think a lot of people have this list, even if it's just in their head. I have a travel bucket list, definitely, but other stuff I want to achieve as well. But make sure you put goals you want to achieve on there, not just stuff you want to do and places you want to go. Like make sure it's about the experience and it's about the goals and it's about the journey. 

Seven: practise mindfulness. Being present in the moment is a key ingredient for creating magical experiences. Practise mindfulness by meditating, taking leisurely walks, or simply enjoying a cup of tea without distractions. Yes, please! It's in these moments that the magic often reveals itself. 

Eight: act like the hero of your story. Imagine yourself as the hero or heroine of your own movie. What qualities do they possess? What challenges do they overcome? Embrace those qualities and face your challenges with courage and determination. I mean, how often do we actually think of ourselves as the hero in our own story? 

Nine: surround yourself with inspiration. Fill your life with inspiration. Read books, watch movies, and listen to music that moves you. Surrounding yourself with creativity can ignite your own imagination and lead to more magical moments. I do this myself. I listen to inspiring podcasts. I read inspiring books. I listen to music that makes me feel good.

Ten: embrace the unexpected. Life doesn't always go according to plan, and that's where some of the most memorable moments happen. Embrace the unexpected twists and turns in your journey. They can often lead to the most surprising and magical outcomes. 

This is so true. You can plan magical movie moments – I have a guide that tells you how to do it – but the best ones come from things you don't expect to happen, basically. And you can't manufacture those moments. They're just magic.

So, to dive in deeper to this concept and explore how intentional travel can be a powerful tool for transformation, check out my Travel Transformation Academy, which is an online education portal full of courses, resources, guides, books… all the stuff you need. 

Remember: life is short and we should pursue our dreams no matter what. Let's find the magic in our lives and share it with the world. Stay inspired, stay adventurous, and keep making your life into a beautiful movie. 

Now, I'd like to know if you find this topic at all interesting. I find it fascinating. I want to know if you do too, so please DM me on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach or email me at info@traveltransformationcoach.com if you're interested in this, in the topic of injecting more movie-style magic into your daily life and using travel as a tool to make your life more like a movie. 

And it's not just going to be travel, it's going to be mindset, self-development exercises, fun frameworks, travel transformation principles – which doesn't necessarily mean you need to travel – and it's all about wrapping it up, creating your own plot twists in your life, and making your life more like an epic, inspirational, motivational movie. Because why not? Why would you want it to be anything other than those things? Okay, so let me know what you think. 

This actually was a short, solo episode. I actually didn't lie to you at the start of this episode for once, so I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned something. I hope it made you think of something in a different way. And yeah, let me know if you want to hear more about this. 

Until next time, I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye! 

About your host

Jessica Grace Coleman (Jess) is an author, podcaster, content creator & certified travel coach. She's also a super introverted solo traveller & digital nomad.

She's here to teach you how you can use solo travel (and the principles involved in solo travelling) to boost your confidence, improve your self-belief, and become the person you've always wanted to be.

If you're fed up with letting your lack of self-confidence hold you back and if you dream of living a life filled with excitement, purpose, and adventure – but have no idea where to start – you're in the right place.

She believes that life is short – so let's make sure it's nothing short of AMAZING.

Jessica Grace Coleman

The Travel Transformation Coach


Do you want to learn how you can use travel – and travel-related principles – to completely change your life?

Written by Travel Transformation Coach Jessica Grace Coleman, this guide walks you through 10 ways you can transform yourself – and your life – through travel... even when you can't travel!

Intrigued? Get your free guide right now!

Jessica Grace Coleman

© Copyright 2024 Jessica Grace Coleman All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Disclaimer

Episode transcript

Welcome to The Travel Transformation Podcast, the podcast where we talk all things travel and all things transformation. I'm your host, Jessica Grace Coleman – although you can call me Jess – and today is going to be a quick solo episode. I say that every time I do a solo episode – but this really is going to be a quick one, I promise – called Lights, Camera, Action: Transform your life into a cinematic adventure.

Now, I know this is The Travel Transformation Podcast, but I want to talk about transformation in all kinds of areas. So it's about travel and it's about transformation, and I do a lot of work on mindset and self-development stuff, and I've recently been getting into a lot of content around creating your life to be more like a movie – a good movie, like an inspirational, motivational, uplifting movie about a character that goes through an epic transformation and they overcome amazing hurdles and they achieve all their dreams, those kind of movies. Not like a horror movie or a slasher movie or a really depressing documentary, nothing like that.

So, I release an email every week to my Intentional Travel club newsletter, and if you want to sign up to that, go to traveltransformationcoach.com. You can click on Free Guide and you can sign up there, the big blue button at the top. I send out an email every week about travel, about transformation, about mindset, about self-development.

And I sent this one out and I thought, why not make this into a podcast episode? Because I know not everyone consumes content in the same way. Some people prefer to read, some people prefer video, some people prefer audio. So I'm basically just going to go through the email I sent out a couple of weeks ago.

So yeah, I called it Lights, Camera, Action: Transforming your life into a cinematic adventure. I'm really passionate about this. I think it's such a fun topic. I'm actually going to do a lot more work on this in the future because it involves, like I said, mindset, self-development, it involves fun exercises, and it involves travel and travel transformation principles. So everything I'm interested in all wrapped up in a really fun framework that I'm working on creating a lot more content about – and I will talk about this more in the future. 

So we all have those moments in our favourite films that give us goosebumps, that move us or inspire us or lift us up. And as I’ve said plenty of times before, I think there are plenty of opportunities to have our own magical movie moments when we travel.

And, if you have no idea what I'm talking about – this is not in the email – I did a whole podcast episode about this quite a while ago now. It is number 62: How to create magical movie moments on the road. If you go to traveltransformationcoach.com/62, you can get all the information on that. 

I also did another podcast episode, which was a little bit later on, and that was episode 76: Life should be more like a movie. But how? So traveltransformationcoach.com/76 to get all the info for that.

Well, what if I told you that you can create these magical movie moments in your own life? In my latest book, Intentional Travel Transformation, I explore how intentional travel can be a catalyst for such moments, but the magic isn't limited to travel. You can bring it into your daily life, too.

And that's another idea I'm going to be talking about in the future – the whole movifying your life thing. So it's using travel and travel transformation principles to create a kind of climactic scene as part of the framework. But then it's also learning how to inject this into your everyday life so you don't have to go on a trip every time you want to have an epic movie moment; you can bring it into your normal routine, which I love. 

So, here are a few ideas on how to make your life more like a movie. And, again, I want it to be a nice, adventurous, epic, exciting, uplifting movie.

Okay, one: embrace spontaneity. Step out of your comfort zone and say yes to unexpected adventures. Try something new or travel to a place you've never been before. And I say this a lot: it doesn't have to be thousands of miles away. It can just be half an hour down the road if it's somewhere you've never been before. 

Two: find beauty in the ordinary. Slow down, observe the details around you, and appreciate the beauty in everyday life. How often do you do that? I know I don't do it that often, so let's make it a priority to try and do that in our everyday life. 

Three: connect with people. Build meaningful connections with others; sometimes the most magical moments come from the people you meet. And I mean, I have seen this time and time again, especially in the co-livings I've stayed with, where we really get deep and get to know people in a very short time, but you feel like you've known them forever. 

Four: set goals and intentions. Create a script for your life by setting clear intentions and working towards your dream. Make every day a scene in your own story. And I wrote a book about this called Write Your Life. It's about writing yourself into a novel rather than a film, but the principles are very similar, so check that out: Write Your Life: the ultimate life hack for achieving your dreams.

Five: capture the moments. Keep a journal, take photos, or start a video diary to document your journey and relive those magical moments. And you can also put these on social media and stuff like that so other people can also share them. 

Six: create a bucket list. Just like a movie script, your life can benefit from having a bucket list. Jot down the places you want to visit, experiences you want to have, and goals you want to achieve. Then take actionable steps toward crossing those items off your list.

And I think this is important. I think a lot of people have this list, even if it's just in their head. I have a travel bucket list, definitely, but other stuff I want to achieve as well. But make sure you put goals you want to achieve on there, not just stuff you want to do and places you want to go. Like make sure it's about the experience and it's about the goals and it's about the journey. 

Seven: practise mindfulness. Being present in the moment is a key ingredient for creating magical experiences. Practise mindfulness by meditating, taking leisurely walks, or simply enjoying a cup of tea without distractions. Yes, please! It's in these moments that the magic often reveals itself. 

Eight: act like the hero of your story. Imagine yourself as the hero or heroine of your own movie. What qualities do they possess? What challenges do they overcome? Embrace those qualities and face your challenges with courage and determination. I mean, how often do we actually think of ourselves as the hero in our own story? 

Nine: surround yourself with inspiration. Fill your life with inspiration. Read books, watch movies, and listen to music that moves you. Surrounding yourself with creativity can ignite your own imagination and lead to more magical moments. I do this myself. I listen to inspiring podcasts. I read inspiring books. I listen to music that makes me feel good.

Ten: embrace the unexpected. Life doesn't always go according to plan, and that's where some of the most memorable moments happen. Embrace the unexpected twists and turns in your journey. They can often lead to the most surprising and magical outcomes. 

This is so true. You can plan magical movie moments – I have a guide that tells you how to do it – but the best ones come from things you don't expect to happen, basically. And you can't manufacture those moments. They're just magic.

So, to dive in deeper to this concept and explore how intentional travel can be a powerful tool for transformation, check out my Travel Transformation Academy, which is an online education portal full of courses, resources, guides, books… all the stuff you need. 

Remember: life is short and we should pursue our dreams no matter what. Let's find the magic in our lives and share it with the world. Stay inspired, stay adventurous, and keep making your life into a beautiful movie. 

Now, I'd like to know if you find this topic at all interesting. I find it fascinating. I want to know if you do too, so please DM me on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach or email me at info@traveltransformationcoach.com if you're interested in this, in the topic of injecting more movie-style magic into your daily life and using travel as a tool to make your life more like a movie. 

And it's not just going to be travel, it's going to be mindset, self-development exercises, fun frameworks, travel transformation principles – which doesn't necessarily mean you need to travel – and it's all about wrapping it up, creating your own plot twists in your life, and making your life more like an epic, inspirational, motivational movie. Because why not? Why would you want it to be anything other than those things? Okay, so let me know what you think. 

This actually was a short, solo episode. I actually didn't lie to you at the start of this episode for once, so I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned something. I hope it made you think of something in a different way. And yeah, let me know if you want to hear more about this. 

Until next time, I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye! 

About your host

Jessica Grace Coleman (Jess) is an author, podcaster, content creator & certified travel coach. She's also a super introverted solo traveller & digital nomad.

She's here to teach you how you can use solo travel (and the principles involved in solo travelling) to boost your confidence, improve your self-belief, and become the person you've always wanted to be.

If you're fed up with letting your lack of self-confidence hold you back and if you dream of living a life filled with excitement, purpose, and adventure – but have no idea where to start – you're in the right place.

She believes that life is short – so let's make sure it's nothing short of AMAZING.

Jessica Grace Coleman

The Travel Transformation Coach


Do you want to learn how you can use travel – and travel-related principles – to completely change your life?

Written by Travel Transformation Coach Jessica Grace Coleman, this guide walks you through 10 ways you can transform yourself – and your life – through travel... even when you can't travel!

Intrigued? Get your free guide right now!

© Copyright 2024 Jessica Grace Coleman All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Disclaimer

The Travel Transformation Company, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

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