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Episode 87

My Solo Traveller Photo Shoot In London With Domi (@photowalk_in_london)

5th October 2023

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Episode 87

My Solo Traveller Photo Shoot In London With Domi (@photowalk_in_london)

5th October 2023

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Show notes & links

In this episode I talk to professional photographer, Domi of @photowalk_in_london


Domi came on the podcast back in March to tell me all about her amazing solo traveller photo shoots in London (as well as her other packages, such as business photo shoots, dating profile photo shoots, and even divorce celebration shoots!). I then booked to go and do a photo shoot of my own, which I did in September.

We discuss how my own photo shoot went, the locations we visited, the props I used, and the pros and cons from my perspective, as well as giving some tips on what to do if you want to book your own photo shoot with Domi (which I highly recommend!).

Connect with our guest:

Website: https://scalensstudio.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/photowalk_in_london/

Previous episode with Domi: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/29

Book your free consultation with Domi: https://calendly.com/contact-2545/free-consultation?month=2023-09

See some of the photos on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traveltransformationcoach/



Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com


Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide


Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books


Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal


If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

In this episode I talk to professional photographer, Domi of @photowalk_in_london


Domi came on the podcast back in March to tell me all about her amazing solo traveller photo shoots in London (as well as her other packages, such as business photo shoots, dating profile photo shoots, and even divorce celebration shoots!). I then booked to go and do a photo shoot of my own, which I did in September.

We discuss how my own photo shoot went, the locations we visited, the props I used, and the pros and cons from my perspective, as well as giving some tips on what to do if you want to book your own photo shoot with Domi (which I highly recommend!).

Connect with our guest:

Website: https://scalensstudio.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/photowalk_in_london/

Previous episode with Domi: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/29

Book your free consultation with Domi: https://calendly.com/contact-2545/free-consultation?month=2023-09

See some of the photos on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traveltransformationcoach/



Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com


Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide


Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books


Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal


If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

Episode transcript

Jessica Grace Coleman

Welcome to The Travel Transformation Podcast, where we talk all things travel and all things transformation. My name is Jessica Grace Coleman and I'm your host, and today I am talking to someone who has been on the podcast before, I think only the second guest to come back twice: Domi from Photowalk in London.

Now, I mentioned this in the conversation that we have – it's more of a conversation rather than an interview – but we did a previous podcast episode back in March, and that is number 29, if you want to go and listen to that. I'll put the link in the show notes. 

And basically, she is a photographer in London who has lots of packages, but she specialises in solo traveller photo shoots, which I think is a great idea because I've been to lots of places on my own and taken some terrible selfies because I don't want to ask random strangers to take my photo. You're always worried about people running off with your phone. If you've got a tripod, you're worried about people running off with your tripod and your phone. So I really love her mission to help solo travellers get amazing pictures in London when there are so many great landmarks around and stuff like that. 

So she came on my podcast, and we scheduled a photo shoot for me in London. I actually had to reschedule it because I left the country for several months… life of a digital nomad. So we finally got around to it in September. So it was last week as I'm recording this, but it will be a few weeks ago by the time you hear this podcast. And yeah, we just wanted to do a follow-up interview conversation just so I can tell about my experiences, I can talk about the pros and cons – and, spoiler alert, there really aren't any cons. And yeah, just encourage other people. 

You don't have to be a solo traveller. I did mine as a kind of businessy photo shoot. She has loads of packages like dating app sites, breakup celebration pictures – which is one of my favourite ideas ever – and she also does engagement shoots, family shoots, business shoots... Like I say, she does everything, and I think it's such a great idea. I had a great time when I went. 

As I mentioned in the discussion, it was when the heat wave was on and I do not do well in heat, so I did feel a bit dishevelled during the photo shoot, but that has nothing to do with Domi. And despite that – even with that – I had a great time, and I'm really happy with the photos I got. 

I'm going to stop rambling now because I talked to Domi about this for a little while and I'd like you to hear the conversation. And if you're interested at all in booking a photo shoot with Domi, as I say in the conversation, she makes it so easy, so fun, so comfortable. Even if you're super awkward like me and shy and you're worried about it, don't worry about it at all. It will be a great experience. You'll get some great photos out of it. So head to the links in the show notes to go to her Instagram and her website. 

And yeah, if you're thinking about it at all, get a free consultation with her because you will not regret it. Okay, let's get to the conversation!

Hi Domi, welcome back to the podcast. Thank you for coming on! How are you?


Thank you for having me. I'm very good. I was so excited that finally I could meet you in person because we were planning our photoshoot for a while and we talked about going to make it happen. So I'm glad I met you. And then I just sent you pictures, so I'm really looking forward to your feedback.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yes! I am so glad we got to meet in person; you know when you’ve only met someone online and then you meet them in real life and it's a bit like, ‘oh, you do exist!’ but it's kind of cool. 

Okay, so for the listeners, I'm just going to explain a little bit about what we're doing. I interviewed Domi back in March – and that is episode number 29, so if you go to traveltransformationcoach.com/29, like the actual numbers, you can listen to the episode, you can get the links and the show notes, you can get a transcript of our conversation, and I'll put that in the show notes as well. 

So in that episode we basically talked about why solo travellers should hire a photographer on their trip, the best spots to take photos in London, your many photography packages – including the flying dress, dating app photos, and breakup celebration pics – and how you can prepare for your very own fabulous photo shoot. So that's what we did. Maybe if you just want to explain a little bit – for people who haven't heard the other episode – what you do, where you're from and why you do it?


Of course. So my name is Domi. I am originally from Poland, but I'm trying to be British, just working on my accent. I am a photographer in London. My idea of why I'm doing this was when I was travelling solo to Sydney, I was like, oh my God, I'm at the other end of the world from Poland, and I spent so much money already for this trip, and who is going to take the pictures? This was back in 2017 at the beginning, and then I was so sad because I was asking strangers and nobody took good photos of me. I was kind of disappointed. I was like, oh, it would be so nice to have a friend who would follow you, don't ask too many questions, just keep taking pictures of you. 

So then, because of my ex, I came and moved to London. And after this was the end of 2017. And then, in the meantime, I was like oh my God, people are travelling solo to London. They might need my help. So I kind of designed or created my business for solo travellers who are travelling solo to London and you don't know anybody, you don't know where to take the pictures. So I want to be like your Insta friend. And then this business started working so well from the very beginning. I just understand this market so well. I understand solo filmmakers who are travelling solo. They are kind of like… you're not sure if the place is safe, you don't know if you can let someone else take photos of you. So I kind of want to be with you and support you with this. 

And then, with the time, they start growing so quickly. So then I was creating new packages like dating app photo shoots during the COVID time. And then I realised, oh my God, you're travelling with small bags so you don't have nice dresses. So I bought dresses for my clients, and one which I am renting as well. Now I have two very popular dresses. The flying dress photoshoot, it’s like a red dress, and another one is pinky dress photoshoot. It's more like fancy dress, which is great as well for the pictures. So this is what I'm doing and this is what I did with Jessica. 

So now I'm kind of curious, because I didn't want to ask you before. I want to know: How was the photo shoot? How do you feel? Like all the communication and all this feedback I really appreciate hearing.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, I'm so glad we got to do this because it was on my list to do this kind of photo shoot. I've done one before but in a studio; it wasn't out and about in different locations, and obviously London is a very cool place to do it. There are so many options. 

So yeah, the first thing that you ask is, where do you want to go? And I would recommend looking at Domi's Instagram because she posts so many videos and pictures of her other clients and things like that. You can get a really good idea of some of the places she goes to because you go to all the big London landmarks, don't you? I'm assuming those are quite popular for travellers, because it's obvious you're in London and you want the shot with like, Tower Bridge or with the London Eye in the background and that kind of thing. And I did consider doing that, but I also wanted to use this opportunity to get some shots for my business. I'll talk about the props I took in a while, but I was thinking about it. 

I was like, it would be cool to get some good landmarks in there. But then I saw some pictures that you'd done with people in Notting Hill, and I had been to Notting Hill briefly before, so I sort of had an idea of the vibe of the area, but when I saw all these pictures with all the pretty coloured houses and all the flowers, it was just so nice. I was like, I've got to go there, I've got to do that. So I decided on Notting Hill for the shoot. Then I booked a hotel. If anyone here is thinking about doing a photo shoot in Notting Hill, I booked one called the Bluebells Hotel, which is in Pembridge Square in Notting Hill, which is a great location for this because we were right near all the places we went to. I used booking.com. 

It wasn't the fanciest of places, guaranteed, but it was a great price for the location, I think, and I'm going to talk about this in a bit, but we went during the September heat wave. It was last week and, for me, it was very hot because I don't do well in the heat. But the room did have a fridge and a fan, so I was very grateful for that when I was getting ready. So that's where I stayed. 

And, yeah, communication was great beforehand. And then the morning of, I got a message from Domi saying, ‘Do you want to meet half an hour later? Because it's foggy.’ And this was news to me because all I could see outside my window was a brick wall. I could not tell. So that was really helpful because I would have just gone out and been like, oh, it's really foggy. So, yeah, we met a bit later, but luckily the fog had cleared by then. It was like glorious sunshine. I met you near the tube, super easy. 

And then we went off to do the shooting in the locations, and you did ask me if I had any places I wanted to go, but as you get with a lot of travellers, they have no idea where to go. So the fact that you already have your favourite places and you know where we can start and go from there was really good. Do you get a lot of people who have no idea where they want to take shoots and you have to give them ideas?


Yeah, because most of the clients, they are tourists. You can send me some pictures – for example, when you have some dream spot that you’ve always dreamed to have the picture. So I'm always open, I want to know before because then I can organise this better because I'm thinking like, we missed so many different spots because the time was limited so that's why we didn't visit. But if someone's sending me like oh Domi, I want this spot, then I will start the photo shoot over there or I will add this to the road. So I'm very flexible for my clients because the photo shoot is not for me, it's just for you guys. 

And as well about the weather, when we venture, I'm also open about the weather because the London weather is crazy; you never know what to expect. And then when the shoot started, the weather was not that nice, we couldn't see anything. So that's why I was flexible and I was like if you want to wait a little bit, it will be okay. But just to let you know for everybody who is listening, it's just for you. The best of the photos. I have always a good intention and when you make bookings with me, I also advise to book in the first days of your stay in London in case it's rainy or something happens, then we are okay to meet another day. But I always check this with my clients because then maybe you have some other plans. So I don't mind to travel to you on a time schedule but just to double check for your comfort. If you're okay, we can meet a little bit later or another day or the same day just to make sure we get the best photos.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, and that flexibility, like you say, is so important in a place like England where you cannot predict at all how it's going to go. Yeah, that's really good. So yeah, I just want to say, if anyone's listening and they want to book a photo shoot but they've never done anything like it before, they're nervous, they're worried that they will look awkward or be awkward, they won't know what to do with their hands, that kind of thing… none of that matters because you are a pro; you know exactly what to do, you know what to tell people to bring for props to hold, so you've got something to do with your hands, because I think that's a big thing. You're trying to act natural and you have no idea what to do with your hands. Like you just sort of stand there with them on your hips or that kind of thing. So having your sunglasses to hold, having a hat to hold – again, I'll talk about all the props I brought in a bit – but that was really good. 

And then you give pointers on where to look, how to stand, how to put your feet, how to walk, all that kind of stuff. So you really don't have to think about it. You just do what you tell us to do, which is great. And also, Domi's super nice. She's so easy to talk to. You'll just be walking around having a nice chat in between the shoots. It's just like hanging out with a friend, and I think that really helps people who are a bit nervous. It helps them become a lot more comfortable with it. And to get the happy, positive shots, you were making me laugh. You were saying things to make me laugh. And that just adds to the whole vibe of it. It's not a serious photo shoot. It's like a fun hanging out with friends and you just happen to be getting lots of cool photos at the same time. So I really like that about it.


Yeah, I just want to add here, because many people will think it's just me, I don't know how to pose. Most of my clients, they never know how to pose. And always, these are their repeat questions. Like, I don't know what to do with my hands. I have a double chin. I have this one. I don't like this. So many people ask the same questions, so I kind of know people. After almost six years doing this in London, I know how people think and I know what they're going to ask me. So I always suggest, just relax. Give me ten minutes; I'm going to see you and then I'm going to guide you on what to do. And after each of the shots, I always double-check the pictures. This is what you like. Or I'm learning from you. And after ten minutes, you're going to be like a pro model. So anybody who’s never had a photo shoot, don't worry about this, I'm going to take care of you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly. That's another good point as well, that you show as we're going along the pictures you're taking. So you can see what you look like, you can see how it's going, what the shots are like, and you get more of an idea of what we're aiming for with the whole shoot. So that was really good. 

I'd just like to point out as well that I think some people worry about doing this in public, especially in a place like London, where it's so busy all the time. And I would recommend, and I think you say this as well, when people book in, if you don't want as many people, strategically book your times and that kind of thing. So we did it at like nine, half nine on a Monday morning, so there were still people around but it wasn't like vast amounts of people, and also, you don't really tend to notice. 

Obviously, some people have to wait while you're taking the photo on the street. They'll just wait politely and then go past and then some people will be staring and trying to figure out what's going on, but it's really not a big deal. Most of the time you're just focusing on what you're doing, like what you're telling me to do, and you can block out anyone who might be staring from a distance or anyone who's waiting to go past. It's really not a big deal. And I think that might put people off. So yeah, don't worry about that.


I think people, when they are looking at you, it's more like, oh, maybe it's Beyonce or maybe it's someone famous. Because when I'm coming with my big cameras, people just pay attention because they are curious about what is happening. This is the same as if someone says something more loudly, you pay attention because you are just curious what is happening. And then I love the people in London, they are very friendly and they're always smiling, so there’s no bad intention. When someone is looking at you, they're just curious about how glamorous you are, that's it.

Jessica Grace Coleman

They thought I was famous – that must be the explanation. Absolutely. Okay, another point I'd like to make is that I saw a lot of that area that I'd never seen before. Like I say, I've been there before but just sort of walking through. I haven't really hung out there. I went there the day before and walked the main places, but we went off the main touristy bits and found some really nice places to shoot. So I wouldn't have found some of those roads on my own; I wouldn't have thought to walk down that place, go around that area. So I think if you're in London for the first time specifically, or even if you're not – if you're just in a part of London that's new to you – this is worth it alone because you get to see so many more places. 

And you mentioned before that you are like their Insta Friend, which I really love. So if you are a solo traveller, you've never been to London, or you don't know anyone in London, then as soon as you get there and you've done this photo shoot, or even before then, you already know someone that you can message. If you're stuck with transport or you don't know where to go or that kind of thing, you already have someone that you know you can contact, which I think is a huge thing because I solo travel to places, and not knowing anyone can be a bit daunting when you think, like, oh God, what if something happens and I can't remember who I need to call? Like anything like that. It's just nice knowing you've got someone there, even if you never have to message them. So I think that's a really good point. 

I love the locations we went to. I've just written a few down to let people know what we did. So, like I said, there are lots of pretty coloured houses in Notting Hill. We took lots of pictures outside houses, like sitting on a wall outside, sitting on the steps outside. You did point out that some people have put signs that say no photos, or there's a barrier across the steps, and I can understand why, but a lot of places are still okay and we didn't get chased by anyone, so that's good!


Yes, we need to be careful and pay attention because some of the places are private, so people are not allowed to do that. And we need to respect this as well when we are around this area, to be more quiet because some people, they are working or doing something. So yeah, just being respectful is going to help us with the photo shoot. And then, if they are not allowed to go there, let's not break the rules.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly. It’s just sensible things, like being respectful, being quiet, like you say, not spending half an hour in front of one house, just doing a few shots and then walking on and that kind of thing. And that worked fine. No problems. And we got some really great pictures with some really nicely coloured houses. Like I say, there were some steps that I sat on. We took some photos outside a really cool shop on Portobello Road called Alice's, which was really great. It has the Portobello Road sign in the shot, and it’s like an antique shop or a random shop, isn't it? With loads of cool stuff. So it's a really cool place to go. We also found a table on the street and I pretended to be working and podcasting.


This is great for your portfolio.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly! I've got so many photos I can use now. And we also went to a super cute residential street that was a filming location for Love Actually, the part where Andrew Lincoln does the famous sign thing for Keira Knightley. And there were ridiculously cute houses there, so I'm glad we went there. And then we ended up at another part of Notting Hill that I had never been to before, with some much bigger, brightly coloured houses with huge steps out the front, which was a really great area to take photos in. So those are the main places we went to. And yeah, I really liked all of them. 

I think my favourites were… we had like a pink house with flowers everywhere and a bike, and it just looked really cute. It was in that little Love Actually street, and I think I'm going to use that for the main podcast image for this episode so people can see that and they'll know what I'm talking about. I really like the shop, Alice's. The steps, the pretty pink steps I sat on pretending to read my own book, was really good. And yeah, I wanted to talk about the props, because you recommend bringing props no matter what kind of photo shoot you're having, but I imagine it will be different for each type, right?


It's kind of different. We didn't have a Zoom call, but most of the photo shoot packages, they have also a Zoom call consultation. So before we're going to meet for the photo shoot, we're going to have a consultation just to get to know each other, know what you like to have for the photo shoot. For example, we have a travel photoshoot but you want to add something like business and I don't mind doing that. You can bring some business stuff with you. But for example, for dating apps, we might use different kinds of props for travellers, more like holiday props, and for business, something else. Or you can bring, for example, where you book for three or six hours, we can mix it all together. 

For example, we can have some photo shoot for dating apps, for your business and everything, and we can do it all together. And that's why I would advise bringing props with you, because it's like how you're saying… you don't know what to do with your hands and, for example, sunglasses. So at least you have sunglasses and you're like oh, I'm not so awkward, I'm feeling more comfortable. Yes. Or you can have something like your bag or hat with you. You can bring some makeup or hairbrush. Sometimes in London it's so windy, especially when we are close to the river, like at Big Ben or Tower Bridge. So after a while it's good to have a new look or make the hair much more organised. So that's great to bring. 

And as well, what I advise people, you bring some good shoes, but some people they want to have some heels which are not comfortable at all. But as well when you're going to work a lot, you can bring some comfortable shoes like some sneakers or something like that, just to walk from one spot to another. To look good in the pictures, but to walk comfortably, I would suggest you bring some comfortable shoes.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yes, that is a great tip. And I'm intrigued… for the breakup celebration photo shoot, what props do you bring for that? Just like Champagne, living your best life?


Yes, just to make him jealous of her. Jealous of what they lost. So yeah, that's the intention. Last time I got a request, which I was saying to Jessica, and she wanted to have a photo shoot after divorce. And it was great. I loved this so much. She was travelling and then she booked the flying dress photoshoot and then she said Domi, to be honest, I did this photo shoot for my divorce, and I was like, oh my God, I love it. I was so motivated, so committed. It's like, let's make him jealous. You can bring champagne. Just imagine how happy of your freedom you are so you can bring some extra outfits with you and just show how glamorous you are. You can go to a makeup artist before you're going to meet me, do your hair. We can go to some fancy restaurants, coffee shops, to take these kinds of pictures. But my goal is to make this person jealous that they left you or you left them or they didn't take care of you. So I want these kinds of pictures and I love this so much. This project, this photo shoot was very fun.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that sounds awesome. And yeah, I think nothing says freedom more than being in an epic flying dress in a beautiful location in London, maybe with a glass of champagne in your hand… that is just perfect. And if you're wondering what we're talking about, the flying dress, we do discuss it in the other episode. So go back and listen to that. That is episode 29, but yeah, that sounds so awesome. 

Okay, so the props I took. Because I knew I wanted to use them for my business, use them to promote this podcast… I'm an author, so use them to promote my books… So I took with me… well, these aren't business related, but one of my favourite ones I had was the sunglasses, like you mentioned, because you can wear them, you can not wear them, you can hold them, you can be in the process of taking them off in a picture. There are so many things you can do and it gets rid of the ‘what do I do with this random hand? I don't know what to do with this.’ If you're holding sunglasses, it looks more natural than if you're just sort of like slapping your hand around. So I definitely would recommend taking sunglasses. 

I took a hat, like a big sun hat, with me and I held it in a few shots. It was on the table in some shots. I didn't wear it, which is probably a good thing because it had become rather squished in my suitcase on the way down – so make sure you don't squish your hat on the way to London if you want to wear it. But that was another great prop, especially when it was a sunny day. Like, we know sunglasses and a sun hat makes a lot more sense when it's sunny. And then work stuff… I took my laptop, which I think is good for anyone who's doing a business shoot. You can pretend to be working, you can pretend to be being productive. It looks kind of like a candid shot, more than a posed shot, if you want that kind of thing. Like I'm a digital nomad, so I can work from anywhere. So the fact that I was sitting outside in London on the street, just working away, that is what I would be maybe doing anyway. And it's a good way of showing like hey, this lifestyle means you can literally work from anywhere. So I like that kind of aspect of it. 

I also brought my big Blue Yeti mic with me because I'm a podcaster, as you know, and I also knew we'd be recording this podcast about the photo shoot, the follow-up episode. So I've got some with me, with my laptop, and the microphone next to it. So it looks like I'm zooming like I'm doing now, recording an interview. So that's really useful. I can use that when I'm talking about my podcast, that kind of thing. And like I said, I also took a few books with me that I'd done, and it helped that they had different coloured covers, I think, because we tried a few in different areas, didn't we? And we saw what looked good. There were some pink steps and I used the blue book and it was a really good contrast, that kind of thing. 

I also considered bringing an iPad. I guess you could use your iPad or your phone if you wanted to look businessy. Those are good props that you probably already have with you anyway. Maybe a notebook and pen. I thought about doing that, but I already had my laptop with me. My suitcase is already super heavy, so I didn't bring those in the end. But that could be another idea. I don't know if you have any other suggestions if people want a sort of businessy photo shoot? Are those the main things you tell people to bring? Like your laptop and that kind of thing?


Yeah, so this is the number one. Even sometimes when I have a dating apps shoot for an entrepreneur, their business, I also suggest they bring a laptop, like some computer to be working on in the coffee shops. But yeah, definitely what you brought was very great. I will add maybe like you are on the phone and you notice something. This is also great to bring. And then for business as well, I will suggest maybe another jacket, because it's very easy to change and then we can just look different slightly and then with different backgrounds and people. Then you have your portfolio for many months and you don't have to keep repeating meeting your photographer. 

Me I would love to meet everybody every month, but it's just to have more photos with different backgrounds. You can bring another jacket because you have different looks with your different jackets, so that will be my main thing as well. You can bring some makeup, so you have your makeup stuff, if this is what you are selling. You can bring some of your products etc. I don't mind, I don't charge you more because it's like a business photo shoot and the price is the same for any other photo shoot package. And then bring this kind of stuff that shows your brand, that is going to show what you do, because it's going to help your business. And when it’s a win-win business, like I help you, your business is growing, it always give me big satisfaction.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, definitely. You mentioned there if you do a longer photo shoot, you take different clothes, different jackets, different accessories and stuff like that to mix it up. So what lengths of photo shoots do you offer, if anyone's interested in booking one?


Sorry, I couldn't hear you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

What lengths of photo shoots do you offer? So we did an hour and a half. But you do longer ones? Like what can people book?


Most of the time people book for like three hours; that has started to be very popular, and six hours is getting more popular because then it's all day and we have the time to really get to know each other – and, in six hours, we can visit all of London to be honest. And then three hours is still great. I think maybe in the beginning I would suggest three hours if you have the time, because some people, they don't have the time. So one and a half hours is great for one location. If you want to visit more places like Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Notting Hill… three hours. If you want to visit even more of these places, then six hours is great.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah. And we'll put the links in the show notes as well. I just wanted to mention one thing, because you did mention it before. So the last time you came on this podcast, you didn't have the pink dress, and the pink dress is incredible. Can you tell me about this? Can you explain to our listeners what it is and what it looks like? And why would someone book this kind of shoot? Because it's a very glamorous-looking dress. So can you tell me a bit about it?


Of course. It's very unique and new. I’ve had this dress since June I think. And there’s a long story about this dress because I should have had this dress in May, but there were some delays from this lady. But anyway, the dress arrives and it's such a huge dress. It's like a five-kilo dress. When someone books a photo shoot, I have to have my own suitcase. And then the dress in the suitcase. The dress is very big. 

So it's very glamorous, it has so many layers. And then, if you want to really look... if this is your birthday, for example, an important day in your life, or something happening like you open your business or you have success, something like that, you want to choose yourself. I think definitely this package, this dress, is for you because everybody now is going to look at you because they'll be like, oh wow, I like your dress. Everyone is going to give you compliments when they're going to see you. And it's so much fun. 

At the end of the photo shoot, usually I ask my clients to run with the dress. So you're holding a little bit of the dress and you run and it looks so nice when the layers are flying. It looks very gorgeous and makes you feel like a princess. Yeah, I think it makes you feel very special, and I think it's very good for a special occasion if you want to treat yourself.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, it's definitely a princess dress. It's like a lovely sort of soft pink, like Barbie. Yes, since Barbie's come out, it's made me think it's like a Barbie dress, but way better than the dresses in Barbie.


Way more glamorous. Next level.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, it is. It really is. So yeah, check those out on her Instagram as well because she's got lots of pictures and videos of that dress and it looks incredible. Okay, so we did the photo shoot… this podcast episode will be released a few weeks later, but we did it last Monday and you sent the photos through last night. So it only takes a week for you to get the photos, which I think is great. And I know you have different options so people can get them photoshopped in certain ways if they want. You took about 200, I believe, which is amazing, and you sent through 25 of the best ones. So that was really great. And then you also have the option to buy the other ones if you want to see them all. So I think that's really cool as well. So what options do you give people for the editing of the photos and that kind of thing?


So the package for one and a half hours includes 25 edited photos. And this is like standard editing pictures – lighting, colours, this kind of stuff. Because some people, they don't want this. Some people, they want this. So that's why I include the standard photos, which is like a cheaper version; you don't have to pay the extra because maybe you don't want this. But as well, if you want extra editing, like full face retouch, you will make yourself slimmer, or change the colour of your hair, or remove something from your hair or make your smile so beautiful… then it's an additional charge. But some people, they don't want this. They prefer to have natural pictures. So first is always like the standard editing, and in case you need any extra editing, then always I am happy to do that. 

And not many photographers do this, but I also offer all of the photos because I'm going to delete the pictures. And especially we take so many pictures. In case you want these pictures, you can buy additional photos. And not many photographers agree to do that. Many photographers delete all the pictures and you're not going to see them anymore. I don't mind sending you all the not-edited photos if you need them for the channel.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that's great. It's good that you offer so many options, and I especially like changing the hair colour. That sounds quite fun. Amazing. So I got them last night. I looked through them, I really like them. The colours really pop, like all the colourful houses, all that kind of thing. I didn't look as awkward as I thought I would, which is always good, and like you say, you get into it and by the end of however long you've booked, you do feel a lot more natural doing it. You don't worry about other people looking at you. You don't worry that you look awkward because you're seeing the photos as you go along. Like you're showing them as you go along. And yeah, I really like them. 

I like the ones you chose, the main locations we went to, there are a few from each place, the backdrops obviously keep changing. We did a lot of different poses, lots of different props, like I said. So there are so many ones that I can use for my business, but then there are also some just nice ones of me that I don't often get because I don't walk around with a professional photographer. So that's really cool. And yeah, I really liked that it only took a week. I think sometimes if you go for a professional shoot in a studio or something, it can take several weeks to get them back. And you're just waiting. You're like, oh God, I wonder what I look like.


You forgot about the photo shoot already. Yeah, exactly. Sometimes I'm feeling bad because a week sometimes is so long for people, but I just have so much work. Like, I have so many clients per day. So that's why I need to take time, and I don't want to rush as well. I want to make sure that you are happy with this. There is not going to be like, oh, Domi, I don't like this. So I want to make sure I don't rush with this editing. And then I take the time and I always zoom on the photo, look that you have open eyes, the smile is beautiful. So I always want to make sure I bring the best for you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, no, I think that's a really good timescale. And the eyes thing you mentioned made me laugh because whenever anyone takes a photo of me, I have to ask them to take several because my eyes are closed in, like, 90% of them. So I'm glad you managed to get some with my eyes actually open. And also, if you've got sunglasses on, top tip, you can't always tell if your eyes are open – if you have that issue.

Okay, so that was my experience. All the things I've mentioned are pros, and I think I only have one con, and it has nothing to do with you. It's just because we did it in a heat wave. For Britain, it was a heat wave. For other countries, it probably wasn't that hot. And I'm not that great in the heat. My hair goes crazy in the humidity. I'm sweating. So I would say, if you're like me and you're not good in the heat, then book your… I mean, I thought I'd booked it strategically. I didn't want to do it in the height of summer, and then we had a heat wave in September. But yeah, if you're not good in heat, maybe book it in winter. Just think about it a bit strategically. 

But again, we were so lucky that we didn't have the wind, the rain, the grey skies. We had some amazing weather, with the sun and everything and yeah, if you're not as bad as me in the heat, then it won't matter. But maybe think about that when you're booking it for the time of year and that kind of thing.


That's very true. Sometimes now in September, it shouldn't be so hot. Just the great weather in London. So I would suggest like super morning, like 07.00 a.m., then it's still okay weather, or late afternoon, but this depends. Every day is different. That's why I would suggest when someone is choosing the day, choose the first day of your trip to London in case the weather is crazy, then we can meet another time.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that's a good point about picking the time as well. Like, maybe early morning would be better if you know it's going to likely to be hot. You can never tell, obviously, in England, summer… we didn't really have a summer, and then in September, it was like, wow, I feel like we're in Spain or something. So you can never tell. But yeah, I was very grateful that it wasn't raining and windy and all that kind of stuff. Do you have anything else you want to mention about either the shoot we did or your services and packages in general?


Yeah, I just want to say, because many people, they’ll be overthinking everything. I'm not sure if this is for me. I'm shy, camera shy. If you are not sure if this is for you, you can always meet me on a Zoom call – I offer a free consultation – and then just treat me like your friend. Tell me this is what I don't like about myself. This side, this side. Double chin. Oh, I'm stressed about something, oh, I'm conscious about people, they're looking at me. So I will always advise, I will always try to help you. And if you find the idea and the plan and it's working for you, then we can always meet. 

And then if you say like, oh, Domi, this is not really for me, you didn't help me enough, then that's okay too. It's always good to talk. I'm always open to talk. I try to reply to all the messages very quickly. So then if you think this might be for you, but you are not sure, just go to my website. You can book a free consultation. There is no more. This is not like you have this consultation and you have to book. No, you make the decision later, after the 15 minutes, if our vibe is connected. Because sometimes you meet people and you are like, she’s something too much, but if we meet and we're going to have the conversation, you're going to feel if this is for you and I will reply to all your questions. So in case you have any questions, just please reach me and then I am your friend, your Insta friend in London, in case you are travelling, and I'll be happy to help you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Nice. And I think that is a good point to make, because I’m shy. I don't like being the centre of attention. I'm not confident in front of a camera. I'm the kind of person you would think would never do a photo shoot like this in the middle of London where it's busy, all that kind of stuff. And I did it, I had a great time. It was lovely meeting you in person and you made it really fun. It wasn't like this sort of horrible, serious thing where you're worried that it's not going to turn out right.


I'm sorry to stop you, but this is so funny when you talk about this, because many photographers, they don't talk to their clients. And you can feel uncomfortable, because you don't know if you're doing something wrong or you're doing something good, or what is happening or why he's not talking to me. And when people talk to you, they treat you like a friend, not like a client or, oh, I have to do the photo shoot. The vibe is so different and you start feeling much more comfortable. And to be honest, Jessica, I didn't know you are shy. I didn't see this. I was feeling like, oh, let's make this happen. I didn't even think you are shy. It's like how you see yourself is so different to how people see you. So I'm glad you say this to me right now, because I just want to tell you that you were not shy for me.

Jessica Grace Coleman

That’s nice to hear! If I can do it, and just think of it as being like a fun experience, and then a huge bonus is that you get these great photos at the end. Focus on having fun in the moment and not about the photos. If you're worried about how you look and that kind of thing, just don't think about that. Just think of it as doing something different. Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone is always good. You always feel good after you've done it. And yeah, just having fun in a cool place. London is very cool. Lots to do, lots of great backgrounds that you can have. And yeah, just go for it. If you're worried about any of that stuff, as soon as you meet Domi, you'll be put at ease. So don't worry about any of that. Okay, so my last question, and I'll put these in the show notes, is where can people find and follow you online?


So you can find me on Instagram at Photowalk_in_London. And as well, if you want to take a look at my packages, you can visit scalensstudio.com. And then, in case you have any questions, you can always reach me on Instagram or on the website. You can book a free consultation. And don't worry, I'm working like seven days per week. There is no weekend for me. And then I can always reply to your question. I'm not complaining; I really love what I'm doing and I love serving people and making you feel comfortable.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah. And you are a very easy person to get in contact with, so that is very helpful. Definitely. And yeah, definitely take her up on the free consultation offer if you're not sure about this, and I'm going to put some of my photos on my Instagram as well so you can see that – I'll put the link to that in the show notes as well. And yeah, I just want to thank you so much for the photo shoot and everything around it. You made it so easy and fun. And I want to thank you for coming on now because I know you're busy and I know you're off to Poland tomorrow, so thank you for coming on the show.

Jessica Grace Coleman

It was very nice to work with you. Hopefully see you again somewhere. Maybe we can do another podcast with the flying dress photo shoot and then you can share your thoughts about your flying dress. 

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, definitely. That would be amazing. I would definitely book more into winter, though, just so I'm not sweating.


Christmas coming. That is also a great Christmas shoot.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that would be great! Okay, well, thank you again for coming on and for all your help with the photo shoot. It was really cool.


Thank you. Nice to have you. Thank you. 

About your host

Jessica Grace Coleman (Jess) is an author, podcaster, content creator & certified travel coach. She's also a super introverted solo traveller & digital nomad.

She's here to teach you how you can use solo travel (and the principles involved in solo travelling) to boost your confidence, improve your self-belief, and become the person you've always wanted to be.

If you're fed up with letting your lack of self-confidence hold you back and if you dream of living a life filled with excitement, purpose, and adventure – but have no idea where to start – you're in the right place.

She believes that life is short – so let's make sure it's nothing short of AMAZING.

Jessica Grace Coleman

The Travel Transformation Coach


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Episode transcript

Jessica Grace Coleman

Welcome to The Travel Transformation Podcast, where we talk all things travel and all things transformation. My name is Jessica Grace Coleman and I'm your host, and today I am talking to someone who has been on the podcast before, I think only the second guest to come back twice: Domi from Photowalk in London.

Now, I mentioned this in the conversation that we have – it's more of a conversation rather than an interview – but we did a previous podcast episode back in March, and that is number 29, if you want to go and listen to that. I'll put the link in the show notes. 

And basically, she is a photographer in London who has lots of packages, but she specialises in solo traveller photo shoots, which I think is a great idea because I've been to lots of places on my own and taken some terrible selfies because I don't want to ask random strangers to take my photo. You're always worried about people running off with your phone. If you've got a tripod, you're worried about people running off with your tripod and your phone. So I really love her mission to help solo travellers get amazing pictures in London when there are so many great landmarks around and stuff like that. 

So she came on my podcast, and we scheduled a photo shoot for me in London. I actually had to reschedule it because I left the country for several months… life of a digital nomad. So we finally got around to it in September. So it was last week as I'm recording this, but it will be a few weeks ago by the time you hear this podcast. And yeah, we just wanted to do a follow-up interview conversation just so I can tell about my experiences, I can talk about the pros and cons – and, spoiler alert, there really aren't any cons. And yeah, just encourage other people. 

You don't have to be a solo traveller. I did mine as a kind of businessy photo shoot. She has loads of packages like dating app sites, breakup celebration pictures – which is one of my favourite ideas ever – and she also does engagement shoots, family shoots, business shoots... Like I say, she does everything, and I think it's such a great idea. I had a great time when I went. 

As I mentioned in the discussion, it was when the heat wave was on and I do not do well in heat, so I did feel a bit dishevelled during the photo shoot, but that has nothing to do with Domi. And despite that – even with that – I had a great time, and I'm really happy with the photos I got. 

I'm going to stop rambling now because I talked to Domi about this for a little while and I'd like you to hear the conversation. And if you're interested at all in booking a photo shoot with Domi, as I say in the conversation, she makes it so easy, so fun, so comfortable. Even if you're super awkward like me and shy and you're worried about it, don't worry about it at all. It will be a great experience. You'll get some great photos out of it. So head to the links in the show notes to go to her Instagram and her website. 

And yeah, if you're thinking about it at all, get a free consultation with her because you will not regret it. Okay, let's get to the conversation!

Hi Domi, welcome back to the podcast. Thank you for coming on! How are you?


Thank you for having me. I'm very good. I was so excited that finally I could meet you in person because we were planning our photoshoot for a while and we talked about going to make it happen. So I'm glad I met you. And then I just sent you pictures, so I'm really looking forward to your feedback.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yes! I am so glad we got to meet in person; you know when you’ve only met someone online and then you meet them in real life and it's a bit like, ‘oh, you do exist!’ but it's kind of cool. 

Okay, so for the listeners, I'm just going to explain a little bit about what we're doing. I interviewed Domi back in March – and that is episode number 29, so if you go to traveltransformationcoach.com/29, like the actual numbers, you can listen to the episode, you can get the links and the show notes, you can get a transcript of our conversation, and I'll put that in the show notes as well. 

So in that episode we basically talked about why solo travellers should hire a photographer on their trip, the best spots to take photos in London, your many photography packages – including the flying dress, dating app photos, and breakup celebration pics – and how you can prepare for your very own fabulous photo shoot. So that's what we did. Maybe if you just want to explain a little bit – for people who haven't heard the other episode – what you do, where you're from and why you do it?


Of course. So my name is Domi. I am originally from Poland, but I'm trying to be British, just working on my accent. I am a photographer in London. My idea of why I'm doing this was when I was travelling solo to Sydney, I was like, oh my God, I'm at the other end of the world from Poland, and I spent so much money already for this trip, and who is going to take the pictures? This was back in 2017 at the beginning, and then I was so sad because I was asking strangers and nobody took good photos of me. I was kind of disappointed. I was like, oh, it would be so nice to have a friend who would follow you, don't ask too many questions, just keep taking pictures of you. 

So then, because of my ex, I came and moved to London. And after this was the end of 2017. And then, in the meantime, I was like oh my God, people are travelling solo to London. They might need my help. So I kind of designed or created my business for solo travellers who are travelling solo to London and you don't know anybody, you don't know where to take the pictures. So I want to be like your Insta friend. And then this business started working so well from the very beginning. I just understand this market so well. I understand solo filmmakers who are travelling solo. They are kind of like… you're not sure if the place is safe, you don't know if you can let someone else take photos of you. So I kind of want to be with you and support you with this. 

And then, with the time, they start growing so quickly. So then I was creating new packages like dating app photo shoots during the COVID time. And then I realised, oh my God, you're travelling with small bags so you don't have nice dresses. So I bought dresses for my clients, and one which I am renting as well. Now I have two very popular dresses. The flying dress photoshoot, it’s like a red dress, and another one is pinky dress photoshoot. It's more like fancy dress, which is great as well for the pictures. So this is what I'm doing and this is what I did with Jessica. 

So now I'm kind of curious, because I didn't want to ask you before. I want to know: How was the photo shoot? How do you feel? Like all the communication and all this feedback I really appreciate hearing.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, I'm so glad we got to do this because it was on my list to do this kind of photo shoot. I've done one before but in a studio; it wasn't out and about in different locations, and obviously London is a very cool place to do it. There are so many options. 

So yeah, the first thing that you ask is, where do you want to go? And I would recommend looking at Domi's Instagram because she posts so many videos and pictures of her other clients and things like that. You can get a really good idea of some of the places she goes to because you go to all the big London landmarks, don't you? I'm assuming those are quite popular for travellers, because it's obvious you're in London and you want the shot with like, Tower Bridge or with the London Eye in the background and that kind of thing. And I did consider doing that, but I also wanted to use this opportunity to get some shots for my business. I'll talk about the props I took in a while, but I was thinking about it. 

I was like, it would be cool to get some good landmarks in there. But then I saw some pictures that you'd done with people in Notting Hill, and I had been to Notting Hill briefly before, so I sort of had an idea of the vibe of the area, but when I saw all these pictures with all the pretty coloured houses and all the flowers, it was just so nice. I was like, I've got to go there, I've got to do that. So I decided on Notting Hill for the shoot. Then I booked a hotel. If anyone here is thinking about doing a photo shoot in Notting Hill, I booked one called the Bluebells Hotel, which is in Pembridge Square in Notting Hill, which is a great location for this because we were right near all the places we went to. I used booking.com. 

It wasn't the fanciest of places, guaranteed, but it was a great price for the location, I think, and I'm going to talk about this in a bit, but we went during the September heat wave. It was last week and, for me, it was very hot because I don't do well in the heat. But the room did have a fridge and a fan, so I was very grateful for that when I was getting ready. So that's where I stayed. 

And, yeah, communication was great beforehand. And then the morning of, I got a message from Domi saying, ‘Do you want to meet half an hour later? Because it's foggy.’ And this was news to me because all I could see outside my window was a brick wall. I could not tell. So that was really helpful because I would have just gone out and been like, oh, it's really foggy. So, yeah, we met a bit later, but luckily the fog had cleared by then. It was like glorious sunshine. I met you near the tube, super easy. 

And then we went off to do the shooting in the locations, and you did ask me if I had any places I wanted to go, but as you get with a lot of travellers, they have no idea where to go. So the fact that you already have your favourite places and you know where we can start and go from there was really good. Do you get a lot of people who have no idea where they want to take shoots and you have to give them ideas?


Yeah, because most of the clients, they are tourists. You can send me some pictures – for example, when you have some dream spot that you’ve always dreamed to have the picture. So I'm always open, I want to know before because then I can organise this better because I'm thinking like, we missed so many different spots because the time was limited so that's why we didn't visit. But if someone's sending me like oh Domi, I want this spot, then I will start the photo shoot over there or I will add this to the road. So I'm very flexible for my clients because the photo shoot is not for me, it's just for you guys. 

And as well about the weather, when we venture, I'm also open about the weather because the London weather is crazy; you never know what to expect. And then when the shoot started, the weather was not that nice, we couldn't see anything. So that's why I was flexible and I was like if you want to wait a little bit, it will be okay. But just to let you know for everybody who is listening, it's just for you. The best of the photos. I have always a good intention and when you make bookings with me, I also advise to book in the first days of your stay in London in case it's rainy or something happens, then we are okay to meet another day. But I always check this with my clients because then maybe you have some other plans. So I don't mind to travel to you on a time schedule but just to double check for your comfort. If you're okay, we can meet a little bit later or another day or the same day just to make sure we get the best photos.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, and that flexibility, like you say, is so important in a place like England where you cannot predict at all how it's going to go. Yeah, that's really good. So yeah, I just want to say, if anyone's listening and they want to book a photo shoot but they've never done anything like it before, they're nervous, they're worried that they will look awkward or be awkward, they won't know what to do with their hands, that kind of thing… none of that matters because you are a pro; you know exactly what to do, you know what to tell people to bring for props to hold, so you've got something to do with your hands, because I think that's a big thing. You're trying to act natural and you have no idea what to do with your hands. Like you just sort of stand there with them on your hips or that kind of thing. So having your sunglasses to hold, having a hat to hold – again, I'll talk about all the props I brought in a bit – but that was really good. 

And then you give pointers on where to look, how to stand, how to put your feet, how to walk, all that kind of stuff. So you really don't have to think about it. You just do what you tell us to do, which is great. And also, Domi's super nice. She's so easy to talk to. You'll just be walking around having a nice chat in between the shoots. It's just like hanging out with a friend, and I think that really helps people who are a bit nervous. It helps them become a lot more comfortable with it. And to get the happy, positive shots, you were making me laugh. You were saying things to make me laugh. And that just adds to the whole vibe of it. It's not a serious photo shoot. It's like a fun hanging out with friends and you just happen to be getting lots of cool photos at the same time. So I really like that about it.


Yeah, I just want to add here, because many people will think it's just me, I don't know how to pose. Most of my clients, they never know how to pose. And always, these are their repeat questions. Like, I don't know what to do with my hands. I have a double chin. I have this one. I don't like this. So many people ask the same questions, so I kind of know people. After almost six years doing this in London, I know how people think and I know what they're going to ask me. So I always suggest, just relax. Give me ten minutes; I'm going to see you and then I'm going to guide you on what to do. And after each of the shots, I always double-check the pictures. This is what you like. Or I'm learning from you. And after ten minutes, you're going to be like a pro model. So anybody who’s never had a photo shoot, don't worry about this, I'm going to take care of you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly. That's another good point as well, that you show as we're going along the pictures you're taking. So you can see what you look like, you can see how it's going, what the shots are like, and you get more of an idea of what we're aiming for with the whole shoot. So that was really good. 

I'd just like to point out as well that I think some people worry about doing this in public, especially in a place like London, where it's so busy all the time. And I would recommend, and I think you say this as well, when people book in, if you don't want as many people, strategically book your times and that kind of thing. So we did it at like nine, half nine on a Monday morning, so there were still people around but it wasn't like vast amounts of people, and also, you don't really tend to notice. 

Obviously, some people have to wait while you're taking the photo on the street. They'll just wait politely and then go past and then some people will be staring and trying to figure out what's going on, but it's really not a big deal. Most of the time you're just focusing on what you're doing, like what you're telling me to do, and you can block out anyone who might be staring from a distance or anyone who's waiting to go past. It's really not a big deal. And I think that might put people off. So yeah, don't worry about that.


I think people, when they are looking at you, it's more like, oh, maybe it's Beyonce or maybe it's someone famous. Because when I'm coming with my big cameras, people just pay attention because they are curious about what is happening. This is the same as if someone says something more loudly, you pay attention because you are just curious what is happening. And then I love the people in London, they are very friendly and they're always smiling, so there’s no bad intention. When someone is looking at you, they're just curious about how glamorous you are, that's it.

Jessica Grace Coleman

They thought I was famous – that must be the explanation. Absolutely. Okay, another point I'd like to make is that I saw a lot of that area that I'd never seen before. Like I say, I've been there before but just sort of walking through. I haven't really hung out there. I went there the day before and walked the main places, but we went off the main touristy bits and found some really nice places to shoot. So I wouldn't have found some of those roads on my own; I wouldn't have thought to walk down that place, go around that area. So I think if you're in London for the first time specifically, or even if you're not – if you're just in a part of London that's new to you – this is worth it alone because you get to see so many more places. 

And you mentioned before that you are like their Insta Friend, which I really love. So if you are a solo traveller, you've never been to London, or you don't know anyone in London, then as soon as you get there and you've done this photo shoot, or even before then, you already know someone that you can message. If you're stuck with transport or you don't know where to go or that kind of thing, you already have someone that you know you can contact, which I think is a huge thing because I solo travel to places, and not knowing anyone can be a bit daunting when you think, like, oh God, what if something happens and I can't remember who I need to call? Like anything like that. It's just nice knowing you've got someone there, even if you never have to message them. So I think that's a really good point. 

I love the locations we went to. I've just written a few down to let people know what we did. So, like I said, there are lots of pretty coloured houses in Notting Hill. We took lots of pictures outside houses, like sitting on a wall outside, sitting on the steps outside. You did point out that some people have put signs that say no photos, or there's a barrier across the steps, and I can understand why, but a lot of places are still okay and we didn't get chased by anyone, so that's good!


Yes, we need to be careful and pay attention because some of the places are private, so people are not allowed to do that. And we need to respect this as well when we are around this area, to be more quiet because some people, they are working or doing something. So yeah, just being respectful is going to help us with the photo shoot. And then, if they are not allowed to go there, let's not break the rules.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly. It’s just sensible things, like being respectful, being quiet, like you say, not spending half an hour in front of one house, just doing a few shots and then walking on and that kind of thing. And that worked fine. No problems. And we got some really great pictures with some really nicely coloured houses. Like I say, there were some steps that I sat on. We took some photos outside a really cool shop on Portobello Road called Alice's, which was really great. It has the Portobello Road sign in the shot, and it’s like an antique shop or a random shop, isn't it? With loads of cool stuff. So it's a really cool place to go. We also found a table on the street and I pretended to be working and podcasting.


This is great for your portfolio.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, exactly! I've got so many photos I can use now. And we also went to a super cute residential street that was a filming location for Love Actually, the part where Andrew Lincoln does the famous sign thing for Keira Knightley. And there were ridiculously cute houses there, so I'm glad we went there. And then we ended up at another part of Notting Hill that I had never been to before, with some much bigger, brightly coloured houses with huge steps out the front, which was a really great area to take photos in. So those are the main places we went to. And yeah, I really liked all of them. 

I think my favourites were… we had like a pink house with flowers everywhere and a bike, and it just looked really cute. It was in that little Love Actually street, and I think I'm going to use that for the main podcast image for this episode so people can see that and they'll know what I'm talking about. I really like the shop, Alice's. The steps, the pretty pink steps I sat on pretending to read my own book, was really good. And yeah, I wanted to talk about the props, because you recommend bringing props no matter what kind of photo shoot you're having, but I imagine it will be different for each type, right?


It's kind of different. We didn't have a Zoom call, but most of the photo shoot packages, they have also a Zoom call consultation. So before we're going to meet for the photo shoot, we're going to have a consultation just to get to know each other, know what you like to have for the photo shoot. For example, we have a travel photoshoot but you want to add something like business and I don't mind doing that. You can bring some business stuff with you. But for example, for dating apps, we might use different kinds of props for travellers, more like holiday props, and for business, something else. Or you can bring, for example, where you book for three or six hours, we can mix it all together. 

For example, we can have some photo shoot for dating apps, for your business and everything, and we can do it all together. And that's why I would advise bringing props with you, because it's like how you're saying… you don't know what to do with your hands and, for example, sunglasses. So at least you have sunglasses and you're like oh, I'm not so awkward, I'm feeling more comfortable. Yes. Or you can have something like your bag or hat with you. You can bring some makeup or hairbrush. Sometimes in London it's so windy, especially when we are close to the river, like at Big Ben or Tower Bridge. So after a while it's good to have a new look or make the hair much more organised. So that's great to bring. 

And as well, what I advise people, you bring some good shoes, but some people they want to have some heels which are not comfortable at all. But as well when you're going to work a lot, you can bring some comfortable shoes like some sneakers or something like that, just to walk from one spot to another. To look good in the pictures, but to walk comfortably, I would suggest you bring some comfortable shoes.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yes, that is a great tip. And I'm intrigued… for the breakup celebration photo shoot, what props do you bring for that? Just like Champagne, living your best life?


Yes, just to make him jealous of her. Jealous of what they lost. So yeah, that's the intention. Last time I got a request, which I was saying to Jessica, and she wanted to have a photo shoot after divorce. And it was great. I loved this so much. She was travelling and then she booked the flying dress photoshoot and then she said Domi, to be honest, I did this photo shoot for my divorce, and I was like, oh my God, I love it. I was so motivated, so committed. It's like, let's make him jealous. You can bring champagne. Just imagine how happy of your freedom you are so you can bring some extra outfits with you and just show how glamorous you are. You can go to a makeup artist before you're going to meet me, do your hair. We can go to some fancy restaurants, coffee shops, to take these kinds of pictures. But my goal is to make this person jealous that they left you or you left them or they didn't take care of you. So I want these kinds of pictures and I love this so much. This project, this photo shoot was very fun.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that sounds awesome. And yeah, I think nothing says freedom more than being in an epic flying dress in a beautiful location in London, maybe with a glass of champagne in your hand… that is just perfect. And if you're wondering what we're talking about, the flying dress, we do discuss it in the other episode. So go back and listen to that. That is episode 29, but yeah, that sounds so awesome. 

Okay, so the props I took. Because I knew I wanted to use them for my business, use them to promote this podcast… I'm an author, so use them to promote my books… So I took with me… well, these aren't business related, but one of my favourite ones I had was the sunglasses, like you mentioned, because you can wear them, you can not wear them, you can hold them, you can be in the process of taking them off in a picture. There are so many things you can do and it gets rid of the ‘what do I do with this random hand? I don't know what to do with this.’ If you're holding sunglasses, it looks more natural than if you're just sort of like slapping your hand around. So I definitely would recommend taking sunglasses. 

I took a hat, like a big sun hat, with me and I held it in a few shots. It was on the table in some shots. I didn't wear it, which is probably a good thing because it had become rather squished in my suitcase on the way down – so make sure you don't squish your hat on the way to London if you want to wear it. But that was another great prop, especially when it was a sunny day. Like, we know sunglasses and a sun hat makes a lot more sense when it's sunny. And then work stuff… I took my laptop, which I think is good for anyone who's doing a business shoot. You can pretend to be working, you can pretend to be being productive. It looks kind of like a candid shot, more than a posed shot, if you want that kind of thing. Like I'm a digital nomad, so I can work from anywhere. So the fact that I was sitting outside in London on the street, just working away, that is what I would be maybe doing anyway. And it's a good way of showing like hey, this lifestyle means you can literally work from anywhere. So I like that kind of aspect of it. 

I also brought my big Blue Yeti mic with me because I'm a podcaster, as you know, and I also knew we'd be recording this podcast about the photo shoot, the follow-up episode. So I've got some with me, with my laptop, and the microphone next to it. So it looks like I'm zooming like I'm doing now, recording an interview. So that's really useful. I can use that when I'm talking about my podcast, that kind of thing. And like I said, I also took a few books with me that I'd done, and it helped that they had different coloured covers, I think, because we tried a few in different areas, didn't we? And we saw what looked good. There were some pink steps and I used the blue book and it was a really good contrast, that kind of thing. 

I also considered bringing an iPad. I guess you could use your iPad or your phone if you wanted to look businessy. Those are good props that you probably already have with you anyway. Maybe a notebook and pen. I thought about doing that, but I already had my laptop with me. My suitcase is already super heavy, so I didn't bring those in the end. But that could be another idea. I don't know if you have any other suggestions if people want a sort of businessy photo shoot? Are those the main things you tell people to bring? Like your laptop and that kind of thing?


Yeah, so this is the number one. Even sometimes when I have a dating apps shoot for an entrepreneur, their business, I also suggest they bring a laptop, like some computer to be working on in the coffee shops. But yeah, definitely what you brought was very great. I will add maybe like you are on the phone and you notice something. This is also great to bring. And then for business as well, I will suggest maybe another jacket, because it's very easy to change and then we can just look different slightly and then with different backgrounds and people. Then you have your portfolio for many months and you don't have to keep repeating meeting your photographer. 

Me I would love to meet everybody every month, but it's just to have more photos with different backgrounds. You can bring another jacket because you have different looks with your different jackets, so that will be my main thing as well. You can bring some makeup, so you have your makeup stuff, if this is what you are selling. You can bring some of your products etc. I don't mind, I don't charge you more because it's like a business photo shoot and the price is the same for any other photo shoot package. And then bring this kind of stuff that shows your brand, that is going to show what you do, because it's going to help your business. And when it’s a win-win business, like I help you, your business is growing, it always give me big satisfaction.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, definitely. You mentioned there if you do a longer photo shoot, you take different clothes, different jackets, different accessories and stuff like that to mix it up. So what lengths of photo shoots do you offer, if anyone's interested in booking one?


Sorry, I couldn't hear you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

What lengths of photo shoots do you offer? So we did an hour and a half. But you do longer ones? Like what can people book?


Most of the time people book for like three hours; that has started to be very popular, and six hours is getting more popular because then it's all day and we have the time to really get to know each other – and, in six hours, we can visit all of London to be honest. And then three hours is still great. I think maybe in the beginning I would suggest three hours if you have the time, because some people, they don't have the time. So one and a half hours is great for one location. If you want to visit more places like Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Notting Hill… three hours. If you want to visit even more of these places, then six hours is great.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah. And we'll put the links in the show notes as well. I just wanted to mention one thing, because you did mention it before. So the last time you came on this podcast, you didn't have the pink dress, and the pink dress is incredible. Can you tell me about this? Can you explain to our listeners what it is and what it looks like? And why would someone book this kind of shoot? Because it's a very glamorous-looking dress. So can you tell me a bit about it?


Of course. It's very unique and new. I’ve had this dress since June I think. And there’s a long story about this dress because I should have had this dress in May, but there were some delays from this lady. But anyway, the dress arrives and it's such a huge dress. It's like a five-kilo dress. When someone books a photo shoot, I have to have my own suitcase. And then the dress in the suitcase. The dress is very big. 

So it's very glamorous, it has so many layers. And then, if you want to really look... if this is your birthday, for example, an important day in your life, or something happening like you open your business or you have success, something like that, you want to choose yourself. I think definitely this package, this dress, is for you because everybody now is going to look at you because they'll be like, oh wow, I like your dress. Everyone is going to give you compliments when they're going to see you. And it's so much fun. 

At the end of the photo shoot, usually I ask my clients to run with the dress. So you're holding a little bit of the dress and you run and it looks so nice when the layers are flying. It looks very gorgeous and makes you feel like a princess. Yeah, I think it makes you feel very special, and I think it's very good for a special occasion if you want to treat yourself.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, it's definitely a princess dress. It's like a lovely sort of soft pink, like Barbie. Yes, since Barbie's come out, it's made me think it's like a Barbie dress, but way better than the dresses in Barbie.


Way more glamorous. Next level.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, it is. It really is. So yeah, check those out on her Instagram as well because she's got lots of pictures and videos of that dress and it looks incredible. Okay, so we did the photo shoot… this podcast episode will be released a few weeks later, but we did it last Monday and you sent the photos through last night. So it only takes a week for you to get the photos, which I think is great. And I know you have different options so people can get them photoshopped in certain ways if they want. You took about 200, I believe, which is amazing, and you sent through 25 of the best ones. So that was really great. And then you also have the option to buy the other ones if you want to see them all. So I think that's really cool as well. So what options do you give people for the editing of the photos and that kind of thing?


So the package for one and a half hours includes 25 edited photos. And this is like standard editing pictures – lighting, colours, this kind of stuff. Because some people, they don't want this. Some people, they want this. So that's why I include the standard photos, which is like a cheaper version; you don't have to pay the extra because maybe you don't want this. But as well, if you want extra editing, like full face retouch, you will make yourself slimmer, or change the colour of your hair, or remove something from your hair or make your smile so beautiful… then it's an additional charge. But some people, they don't want this. They prefer to have natural pictures. So first is always like the standard editing, and in case you need any extra editing, then always I am happy to do that. 

And not many photographers do this, but I also offer all of the photos because I'm going to delete the pictures. And especially we take so many pictures. In case you want these pictures, you can buy additional photos. And not many photographers agree to do that. Many photographers delete all the pictures and you're not going to see them anymore. I don't mind sending you all the not-edited photos if you need them for the channel.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that's great. It's good that you offer so many options, and I especially like changing the hair colour. That sounds quite fun. Amazing. So I got them last night. I looked through them, I really like them. The colours really pop, like all the colourful houses, all that kind of thing. I didn't look as awkward as I thought I would, which is always good, and like you say, you get into it and by the end of however long you've booked, you do feel a lot more natural doing it. You don't worry about other people looking at you. You don't worry that you look awkward because you're seeing the photos as you go along. Like you're showing them as you go along. And yeah, I really like them. 

I like the ones you chose, the main locations we went to, there are a few from each place, the backdrops obviously keep changing. We did a lot of different poses, lots of different props, like I said. So there are so many ones that I can use for my business, but then there are also some just nice ones of me that I don't often get because I don't walk around with a professional photographer. So that's really cool. And yeah, I really liked that it only took a week. I think sometimes if you go for a professional shoot in a studio or something, it can take several weeks to get them back. And you're just waiting. You're like, oh God, I wonder what I look like.


You forgot about the photo shoot already. Yeah, exactly. Sometimes I'm feeling bad because a week sometimes is so long for people, but I just have so much work. Like, I have so many clients per day. So that's why I need to take time, and I don't want to rush as well. I want to make sure that you are happy with this. There is not going to be like, oh, Domi, I don't like this. So I want to make sure I don't rush with this editing. And then I take the time and I always zoom on the photo, look that you have open eyes, the smile is beautiful. So I always want to make sure I bring the best for you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, no, I think that's a really good timescale. And the eyes thing you mentioned made me laugh because whenever anyone takes a photo of me, I have to ask them to take several because my eyes are closed in, like, 90% of them. So I'm glad you managed to get some with my eyes actually open. And also, if you've got sunglasses on, top tip, you can't always tell if your eyes are open – if you have that issue.

Okay, so that was my experience. All the things I've mentioned are pros, and I think I only have one con, and it has nothing to do with you. It's just because we did it in a heat wave. For Britain, it was a heat wave. For other countries, it probably wasn't that hot. And I'm not that great in the heat. My hair goes crazy in the humidity. I'm sweating. So I would say, if you're like me and you're not good in the heat, then book your… I mean, I thought I'd booked it strategically. I didn't want to do it in the height of summer, and then we had a heat wave in September. But yeah, if you're not good in heat, maybe book it in winter. Just think about it a bit strategically. 

But again, we were so lucky that we didn't have the wind, the rain, the grey skies. We had some amazing weather, with the sun and everything and yeah, if you're not as bad as me in the heat, then it won't matter. But maybe think about that when you're booking it for the time of year and that kind of thing.


That's very true. Sometimes now in September, it shouldn't be so hot. Just the great weather in London. So I would suggest like super morning, like 07.00 a.m., then it's still okay weather, or late afternoon, but this depends. Every day is different. That's why I would suggest when someone is choosing the day, choose the first day of your trip to London in case the weather is crazy, then we can meet another time.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that's a good point about picking the time as well. Like, maybe early morning would be better if you know it's going to likely to be hot. You can never tell, obviously, in England, summer… we didn't really have a summer, and then in September, it was like, wow, I feel like we're in Spain or something. So you can never tell. But yeah, I was very grateful that it wasn't raining and windy and all that kind of stuff. Do you have anything else you want to mention about either the shoot we did or your services and packages in general?


Yeah, I just want to say, because many people, they’ll be overthinking everything. I'm not sure if this is for me. I'm shy, camera shy. If you are not sure if this is for you, you can always meet me on a Zoom call – I offer a free consultation – and then just treat me like your friend. Tell me this is what I don't like about myself. This side, this side. Double chin. Oh, I'm stressed about something, oh, I'm conscious about people, they're looking at me. So I will always advise, I will always try to help you. And if you find the idea and the plan and it's working for you, then we can always meet. 

And then if you say like, oh, Domi, this is not really for me, you didn't help me enough, then that's okay too. It's always good to talk. I'm always open to talk. I try to reply to all the messages very quickly. So then if you think this might be for you, but you are not sure, just go to my website. You can book a free consultation. There is no more. This is not like you have this consultation and you have to book. No, you make the decision later, after the 15 minutes, if our vibe is connected. Because sometimes you meet people and you are like, she’s something too much, but if we meet and we're going to have the conversation, you're going to feel if this is for you and I will reply to all your questions. So in case you have any questions, just please reach me and then I am your friend, your Insta friend in London, in case you are travelling, and I'll be happy to help you.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Nice. And I think that is a good point to make, because I’m shy. I don't like being the centre of attention. I'm not confident in front of a camera. I'm the kind of person you would think would never do a photo shoot like this in the middle of London where it's busy, all that kind of stuff. And I did it, I had a great time. It was lovely meeting you in person and you made it really fun. It wasn't like this sort of horrible, serious thing where you're worried that it's not going to turn out right.


I'm sorry to stop you, but this is so funny when you talk about this, because many photographers, they don't talk to their clients. And you can feel uncomfortable, because you don't know if you're doing something wrong or you're doing something good, or what is happening or why he's not talking to me. And when people talk to you, they treat you like a friend, not like a client or, oh, I have to do the photo shoot. The vibe is so different and you start feeling much more comfortable. And to be honest, Jessica, I didn't know you are shy. I didn't see this. I was feeling like, oh, let's make this happen. I didn't even think you are shy. It's like how you see yourself is so different to how people see you. So I'm glad you say this to me right now, because I just want to tell you that you were not shy for me.

Jessica Grace Coleman

That’s nice to hear! If I can do it, and just think of it as being like a fun experience, and then a huge bonus is that you get these great photos at the end. Focus on having fun in the moment and not about the photos. If you're worried about how you look and that kind of thing, just don't think about that. Just think of it as doing something different. Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone is always good. You always feel good after you've done it. And yeah, just having fun in a cool place. London is very cool. Lots to do, lots of great backgrounds that you can have. And yeah, just go for it. If you're worried about any of that stuff, as soon as you meet Domi, you'll be put at ease. So don't worry about any of that. Okay, so my last question, and I'll put these in the show notes, is where can people find and follow you online?


So you can find me on Instagram at Photowalk_in_London. And as well, if you want to take a look at my packages, you can visit scalensstudio.com. And then, in case you have any questions, you can always reach me on Instagram or on the website. You can book a free consultation. And don't worry, I'm working like seven days per week. There is no weekend for me. And then I can always reply to your question. I'm not complaining; I really love what I'm doing and I love serving people and making you feel comfortable.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah. And you are a very easy person to get in contact with, so that is very helpful. Definitely. And yeah, definitely take her up on the free consultation offer if you're not sure about this, and I'm going to put some of my photos on my Instagram as well so you can see that – I'll put the link to that in the show notes as well. And yeah, I just want to thank you so much for the photo shoot and everything around it. You made it so easy and fun. And I want to thank you for coming on now because I know you're busy and I know you're off to Poland tomorrow, so thank you for coming on the show.

Jessica Grace Coleman

It was very nice to work with you. Hopefully see you again somewhere. Maybe we can do another podcast with the flying dress photo shoot and then you can share your thoughts about your flying dress. 

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, definitely. That would be amazing. I would definitely book more into winter, though, just so I'm not sweating.


Christmas coming. That is also a great Christmas shoot.

Jessica Grace Coleman

Yeah, that would be great! Okay, well, thank you again for coming on and for all your help with the photo shoot. It was really cool.


Thank you. Nice to have you. Thank you. 

About your host

Jessica Grace Coleman (Jess) is an author, podcaster, content creator & certified travel coach. She's also a super introverted solo traveller & digital nomad.

She's here to teach you how you can use solo travel (and the principles involved in solo travelling) to boost your confidence, improve your self-belief, and become the person you've always wanted to be.

If you're fed up with letting your lack of self-confidence hold you back and if you dream of living a life filled with excitement, purpose, and adventure – but have no idea where to start – you're in the right place.

She believes that life is short – so let's make sure it's nothing short of AMAZING.

Jessica Grace Coleman

The Travel Transformation Coach


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